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Religious Education
Children’s Religious Education - Grades 1-8
Child Information
High School-Adolescent Catechesis
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Adult Bible Study
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Lillian, AL
Mass Times
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Religious Education
Children’s Religious Education - Grades 1-8
High School-Adolescent Catechesis
RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults)
Adult Bible Study
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Family Information:
Are you a registered parishioner?
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Mother's Name: (include maiden name)
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Please enter valid data.
Are you Catholic?
Please fill out this field.
Mother's mailing address:
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Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Please enter an email address.
Father's name:
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Are you Catholic?
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Father's mailing address:
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Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a zip code.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
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Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter an email address.
Guardian's Name: (if applicable)
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Are you Catholic?
Guardian's Mailing Address:
Please enter valid data.
Please enter valid data.
Please enter a zip code.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
How many children are you registering today?
Please fill out this field.
Child 1
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
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Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
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If yes, City, State of Church:
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First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
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If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 2
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 3
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 4
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 5
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 6
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 7
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 8
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 9
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Child 10
First Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Last Name
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a date.
Please fill out this field.
Child lives with:
Both Parents
Please fill out this field.
Name of School:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter a date.
If yes, Church:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
First Communion?
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
Please fill out this field.
If yes, Date:
Please enter valid data.
If yes, Church
Please enter valid data.
If yes, City, State of Church:
Please enter valid data.
St. Joseph Parish Catechetical Policies
Attendance Policy
We require regular attendance to present information and to build understanding of concepts, prayers, and our history. Parents, please make every effort to ensure regular attendance.
Arrival and Dismissal
All doors will remain locked and unused except the double metal doors on the west side of the building. Please come with your children to the entry way. It will be very helpful if you have your children to class on time and pick them up promptly. We have just one hour for our classes in between the 8:00 and 10:30 Masses. Your help is needed. Please bring your child to class before 9:15 so all students are present to receive instruction at the same time. Please pick up your child at the dismissal time, 10:15. Children in the program must be collected by the custodial parent or their designee who has been identified on the registration form (or verbally communicated to the teacher in a specific instance.) Please ensure that all possible designees for pick up are listed on the registration form.
Since the catechist has the most direct contact with your child, parents should discuss any classroom problems with the catechist first. If the problem cannot be resolved at this level, parents should speak with the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL), Pat Hilderbrandt. If still unresolved, the problem may be brought to Fr. Alwin Legaspi.
Comments, suggestions, and ideas are always welcome. Please share them with the PCL by email (
[email protected]
) or in a written form.
Emergency Class Cancellation
If local schools are closed due to an emergency, catechetical classes will be cancelled if the emergency applies to our Sunday timeframe. If Fr. Alwin cancels classes due to weather or health concerns, he will notify us. If you have any questions about cancellation, please contact the Parish Catechetical Leader, Pat Hilderbrandt, cell: 251-609-5271 or home: 251 961 1010.
Health Concerns
Health information is collected on the Catechetical Registration Form. Catechists and other personnel are not allowed to dispense or administer medication to students.
If your child is on medications (for ADD or other such medications), please follow their doctor’s orders in administering their medication.
Student Behavior and Expectations
Students will be expected to show respect to their teachers and classmates. Disruptive behavior will not be tolerated. Classroom rules are posted in each classroom. At the first disruption, the
child will be referred to classroom rules. After the second incident, the child will be sent to talk with the PCL. If inappropriate behavior continues, the parent/guardian will be contacted.
All students are expected to share in the faith learning experience of the parish program. They are also expected to complete assignments and participate in group projects.
Students attending parish catechetical sessions are expected to attend the Mass regularly, every Sunday and on Holy Days of Obligation, and to celebrate the sacraments. Parents or guardians
are also encouraged to do so. We strive to help our students recognize this parish as their “family of faith”. To help them recognize their faith family, it is important that they celebrate
Mass here as often as possible.
Dangerous behavior
Harassment, racial slurs, fighting, smoking, drugs, or other inappropriate (or gang related) conduct among students will not be tolerated. Violations of this rule will warrant immediate notification of parents/guardians for the child involved and may warrant suspension or even dismissal of the involved from the program. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
In the unlikely event a student is suspected of possessing a weapon or drugs while on parish premises or as a participant in catechetical program or a youth ministry event, the Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) or Youth Ministry Leader (YML) will immediately notify the parents of the child. The proper civil authorities may also be notified.
General Expectations
It is expected that each family become actively involved in the parish and in the catechetical program so that by their participation they model a living, conscious and active Christian faith, and reinforce the values and attitudes for living that faith. The family and their children are expected to embrace and live these values and attitudes.
Before a student will be permitted to participate in the catechetical program their parent or guardian must sign the Parent Consent Form which is found at the end of St. Joseph Policies Parish Catechetical Policies stating that parents and children have read these rules and policies, and that they agree to be governed by them. This form is due as part of registration.
Child & Adolescent Protection Policy (CAPP)
“All children have the right to be safe and protected from harm in all environments – home, school, religious institutions, neighborhoods, and communities. The Archdiocese of Mobile embraces this right to safety and is dedicated to promoting and ensuring the protection of
children” (Archbishop Lipscomb, 2003). With these words, Archbishop Lipscomb issued a policy for Child Protection and education that Archbishop Thomas J. Rodi continues today. The policy requires, in part, that all children and youth in grades Pre-K – 12 be catechized on the principles listed in the Archdiocesan Child and Adolescents Protection Program. This catechesis takes place during Respect Life month which is in October. A letter will be sent to each family, notifying parents of the dates of these CAPP classes for the children and youth.
In addition, the policy requires that all priests, deacons, school administrators, teachers, youth ministers, parish catechists, support personnel, coaches, and other volunteers having "substantial contact" with children attend training in the prevention and recognition of all forms of abuse against children. This program is provided by the Archdiocese. All persons who work with children in the Archdiocese of Mobile will be required to have background checks as part of the CAPP training.
Pursuant to state law, we are required to report suspected child abuse, and we will also follow all Archdiocesan policies on such matters. If you have questions, feel free to contact the Archdiocesan Office of Child Protection.
Phone: (251) 434-1559
[email protected]
If the Parish Catechetical Program plans an off-site activity or program, you will be required to complete a parental/guardian release form according to the Archdiocesan Youth Travel/Activities
This page is to be signed and returned to The Parish Catechetical Leader (PCL) as a completion of registration.
Acceptance of Responsibilities
I have read this handbook and understand the policies concerning the parish catechetical program for 1 st Grade – 8 th Grade. I agree to abide by these policies, and make sure my child understands her/his responsibilities.
For the Student:
I understand that I am taking classes to further my growth in the Catholic faith. I will do my best in class and participate fully.
Child Signature (typing your names serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
As a parent and/or guardian, I do herewith authorize the treatment of my child by a qualified and licensed medical doctor of the following minor in the event of a medical emergency which, in the opinion of the attending physician, may endanger his/her life, cause disfigurement, physical impairment or undue discomfort if delayed. This authority is granted only after reasonable effort has been made to reach me first or the emergency contact person listed below.
Child's Name: (First & Last)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Parent/Guardian:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
First Emergency Contact Name:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please fill out this field.
Please enter a phone number.
Second Emergency Contact Name:
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child:
Please enter valid data.
Home Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
Cell Phone Number
Maximum 20 characters
Please enter a phone number.
I understand that I, as parent or legal guardian of the child listed above, am required to read the Parent Handbook provided by the Religious Education program at
St. Joseph Catholic Church
. I understand and agree to abide by the guidelines, rules and regulations set forth in this handbook. I understand that my child(ren) need(s) to observe the basic rules of conduct and adhere to the rules stated in the handbook. I understand that failure to comply with the family handbook could bring about disciplinary actions including, in extreme cases, dismissal of my child from the catechetical program.
I understand that I am responsible for sharing the rules, regulations, and other important information in this handbook with my child.
Signature: (typing your name serves as your signature)
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Relationship to Child(ren):
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
We encourage all parents to come into the classroom when dropping off or picking up your children. If your child is the 4
grade or lower, it is mandatory that someone come into the classroom to pick up your child. If a sibling will pick up your child, they must be in the 5
grade or higher. Please list all who have permission to pick up your child:
Name of Authorized Pick-up person:
Please fill out this field.
Please enter valid data.
Name of Authorized Pick-up person:
Please enter valid data.
Name of Authorized Pick-up person:
Please enter valid data.
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